Amphibians They have lungs but also breathe right through their skin, most of them. They are my favorite kind of animal. Starts out like a fish, ends up like a lizard, snake or "other". Nothing like watching your pet green treefrog eat a firefly and watch the glow light up the frog's insides for half an hour. They're in trouble. We're polluting and removing their breeding pools, putting roads between their feeding grounds and breeding pools, and poisoning their insect food source. They could be an excellent food source, too. Bullfrog does _not_ taste like chicken. It tastes like a cross between alligator and flounder, but not as tough as the alligator. If they're in trouble, we're in trouble. Despite what many people think, we are animals too and vulnerable to the same pollution as the rest of them. Eventually all that sevin will come back and bite us in the ass. Buy organic food whenever you can. The price tag might seem higher, but the cost to the planet is much less. Wall Street never figures that into their equations, and that's why they're doomed.